Detection of Depth and Location of Subsurface Utilities Using Smart Phone Magnetic Application: A Case Study at Assiut University, Egypt

Document Type : Novel Research Articles


1 Msc student, Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Egypt

2 Professor of Geophysics, Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Egypt.


Magnetic method is one of the most effective geophysical techniques that have extensive applications and capable of providing very valuable information of the subsurface. This study presents the application of mobile’s magnetic sensor (Physics toolbox magnetometer) upon the study area located at faculty of science, Assiut university. The main objective of our study is to investigate the efficiency and capability of the smart phone application to map the depth and location of the near surface magnetic features (e.g., utilities) at the study site. The magnetic data was collected along 27 profiles with line spacing 0.5m and station interval 0.5m and the collected data was processed using the Geosoft Oasis Montaj software. The total magnetic intensity (TMI) map was produced, local and deep magnetic sources were separated using high and low pass filters of Butterworth. Depth to near surface magnetic features (e.g., pipelines) was estimated using the radial average power spectrum technique (RAPS), source power spectrum technique and the Euler 3D deconvolution (E3D) method. The high pass filtered map showed high magnetic anomalies with linear shape that may represent the location of the subsurface pipelines. The RAPS technique revealed that the average depth to shallow and deep magnetic sources is about 0.10 m and 0.50 m, respectively, while the source power imaging and E3D technique showed that the utilities depths ranged from 0.11 m to 0.38 m. The results collected with the smart phone application was capable to map with a greater extent the subsurface geometry and depths of the pipelines.


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