All submitted manuscripts will be assigned to an editorial number, which will be used in all correspondence with journal staff. All the submitted articles will be subjected to a preliminary screening by the technical editor. Articles that are not matched with the instructions to the authors will be returned for revision and resubmission. The plagiarism will be checked by the technical editor using iThenticate software. Afterwards, the article together with its iThenticate report will be passed to the editors in order to decide whether it matches with the scope of the journal and to evaluate its scientific importance. Depending on the editors’ point of view, the manuscript will be sent to the proper reviewers (In double blinded way) or rejected without review. The reviewers suggested by the authors should not have a combined earlier published work. Depending on the reviewers’ comments, the relevant editor will decide to accept the manuscript, to ask the authors to revise it (minor or major), or will reject it. In case of a decision, the authors will submit to the journal a revised form of their manuscript taking into consideration the reviewers’ comments and a letter indicating the corrections done and answering the questions raised by the reviewers point by point.