Some Properties of Revolution Surfaces in Euclidean 3-space with Conformable Fractional Derivative

Document Type : Novel Research Articles


1 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Assiut University,

2 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of science, Assiut university


In this paper, our aim is to study some of the properties of revolution surfaces in Euclidean 3-space that were studied in Ref. [1], using new definition of fractional derivative called conformable fractional derivative, which is a natural extension of the usual derivative and its definition is the simplest and most natural definition of fractional derivative depending just on the basic limit definition of the derivative [2]. we studied the possibility of obtaining the necessary conditions for revolution surfaces to become of type L/W-surfaces, bi-conservative, harmonic, bi-harmonic and stable in Euclidean 3-Space E^3. We presented three applications (examples) on the revolution surface and we have plotted the results using MATLAB program v.18, and we have summarized all applications results in one table, which makes it easier for the reader to understand the applications results easily. The results when alpha equals one in this paper are the same as the results in Ref. [1].


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